Seminários de Lógica Matemática

21 de Maio 2009, 18h00

On automorphism groups of aleph_0-categorical metric structures
Complexo Interdisciplinar, Sala B3-01

ITAI BEN YACCOV (Université Claude Bernard, Lyon)


I shall speak of the model theoretic aspects of an ongoing project with A Berenstein and J Melleray. The motivation for this project comes from descriptive set theoretic results regarding Polish groups, such as automatic continuity and the existence of ample generics. We seek to extend these results to a larger class of groups, this time including automorphism groups of metric structures. The consideration of such groups involves a new kind of interaction between the Polish topology on the one hand and a metric which is finer than the topology on the other hand (a phenomenon which is by no means new from the point of view of the model theory of metric structures).

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