Geometria em Lisboa

20 May 2003, 17h00

Proper groupoids and intrinsic convexity of momentum maps
Sala P3.10-Dep. Mat./IST

Nguyen Tien Zung (Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse)


I'll discuss the convexity properties of momentum maps in symplectic geometry, including Atiyah - Guillemin -Sternbarg - Kirwan theorems and "nonlinear" convexity theorems, from an intrinsic point of view. 
The "Poisson convexity conjecture" of Weinstein will be formulated and a proof  of it indicated. The local structure of (symplectic) proper groupoids plays a key role in this conjecture.

Time: Tea 4.30 pm, Talk 5.00 pm 
Place: Instituto Superior Técnico 
Tea: sala Comum, piso 3 do Edifício de pós-Graduação 
Room: sala P 3.10, piso 3 do mesmo edifício 
(edifício do Departamento de Matemática)
Notes: Organização: CAMGSD/IST e CMAF/FC/UL 
Informações: ou 
Tel: 21 841 7105 ou 21 790 4854

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