Seminário de Biomatemática

30 de Setembro 2008, 16h00

A colorful talk about stochastic epidemics
Complexo Interdisciplinar, Sala B3-01

Nico Stollenwerk (CMAF)


Stochastic epidemic models have been studied for a long time and in different contexts. We will discuss the spatial SIS epidemics and some generalizations of SIR type etc. and investigate the different phases in mean field and higher order approximations, especially tackle the phase transition critical lines. To investigate the critical points or lines further we will review the treatment of the stochastic epidemics anaologously to quantum systems, i.e. with creation and annihilation operatores, as by now quite often described in the literature.
Whereas the Pauli matrices underly in the SIS case, for SIR type models the ladder operators of the Gell-Mann matrices are used.

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