| People

Luís Saraiva

| Ongoing research

Analysis of the mathematics produced in the context of the Royal Military Academy of Rio de Janeiro during the Portuguese rule. To research the influence and connections of Gomes Teixeira’s Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas e Astronomicas. The work of prominent figures of the Academy will be studied.

| Recent achievements

Contribution for a better knowledge of Portuguese mathematics, namely the mathematics work done in the Royal Military Academy of Rio de Janeiro in its first two decades, and the mathematics published in Gomes Teixeira’s journal (1877-1905).

| Recent publication

L. Saraiva, Manoel Ferreira de Araujo Guimarães (1777-1838): From the Navy Royal Academy to the Royal Military Academy of Rio de Janeiro, Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática, 11 (2011), 77-106.